About Me

Marlon Jeffrey

I am Marlon Jeffrey a Certified Health Coach. Throughout my years, I have heard about the importance of Eating Healthy. I have practiced eating healthy at times but now I have started a journey not only to eat Healthy but overall to live Healthy. Now that I have completed my Health Coach Certification from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, it has empowered and equipped me to achieve this goal and to help as many others as possible to do the same.

it’s all about

Lifestyle Exercise Attitude Nutrition*

This website provides Valuable and Scientifically proven information for individuals who sincerely desire to achieve “Optimal Health”(the Best Possible Overall Health) at different Ages and Stages of life. Optimal Health can be achieved in part by knowing and incorporating the 4 Pillars of Health into one’s life. These are: LIFESTYLE, EXERCISE, ATTITUDE, NUTRITION (L.E A.N.).

The 4 Pillars of Health along with the Valuable Information, Motivation, Resources and other Services provided on this website, are KEY to an individual achieving “Optimal Health”.

The Saying certainly makes sense and for the most part: “What you Put in is what you Get out”.

Nutritious Food + Applying the 4 Pillars of Health helps in leading to “Optimal Health”.
“Junk In” leads to “Junk Out”.

If one “Believes”, one can “Achieve” Optimal Health.